This case of success takes place in Vietnam, specifically in a residential area of luxurious houses with swimming pools, located in the city of Ho Tram.
Even though they are 12 private homes, every single one of them has a magnificent 50m3 pool.
To keep the pool water in perfect state, this neighborhood community opted for the saline chlorination system which offers maximum health guarantees and a unique bathing experience.
This type of chlorination for private pools is free of the chemical agents of chlorine, that can produce eye irritations and skin problems.
In these private residencies, BSPool installed the advanced saline chlorination equipment, EVO Basic, which has a compact and innovative design, with a digital screen that has a production of 10 to 35 grams of salt.
Once installed, the chlorination mechanism doesn’t require technical abilities for its usage, since the equipment works in a very intuitive and programmed manner.
Thanks to the saline chlorination, these 12 families have a water disinfection system ideal for domestic use, as it offers all the guarantees of healthiness.
Featured projects
Costa Rica
In Costa Rica’s capital, San José, BSPool worked on the development of an indoor pool in a prestigious recreational club.
Another of BSPool’s outstanding works has been the installation of a salt chlorinator in a famous Roda de Barà camping, in the region of Tarragona.
Costa Rica
In Costa Rica’s capital, San José, BSPool worked on the development of an indoor pool in a prestigious recreational club.
Another of BSPool’s outstanding works has been the installation of a salt chlorinator in a famous Roda de Barà camping, in the region of Tarragona.
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