BSV Electronic is a company of Grupo Ibérica that works to build a better world.
To do so, we collaborate with solidary projects such as the one with the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona.
By purchasing one of BS Pool’s saline chlorination equipment, you’ll be donating 2€ to the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center in Barcelona.
We’re proud of #NADARPARALOSPEQUEÑOSVALIENTES (Swim for the little ones).

In BSV Electronic we work to build a better world.
To do so, we collaborate with solidary projects such as the one with the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona.
By purchasing one of BS Pool’s saline chlorination equipment, you’ll be donating 2€ to the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center in Barcelona.
We’re proud of #NADARPARALOSPEQUEÑOSVALIENTES (Swim for the little ones).

We keep improving for you
The results of the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), that BSV Electronic made for their clients at the end of 2019, have helped us detect weak and strong points in our services and to implement improvements.
We would like to thank your participation and show the main improvements that we are going to do this year.

BS Pool is one of BSV Electronic’s division that was founded by Luis Vila in 1984.
It is a family company that is now managed by their second generation, led by Jordi Vila (son) and a team of people with experience and willingness to work.
The company was created in order to give electronic solutions to all of the manufacturing companies in the area. Quickly, the company started occupying a market niche offering electronic equipment and automatisms to companies in different sectors. Through these custom fabrications the company started to specialize, coming to create the current divisions: BS Pool, BS Light and BS Water.
Currently the company manufactures 100% of the products in our country giving value to the MADE IN BARCELONA, MADE IN SPAIN brand, thanks to their know-how and extensive professional experience. In addition, in 2019 we became part of the business conglomerate Grupo Ibérica.
- BSV Electronic Offices
- BSV Production Plant Murcia
- BSV Miami Delegation
- C/ Ribera del Congost 40 A
- Poligon Industrial Sector V
- 08520 Les Franqueses del Vallès
- Barcelona (Spain)
- GPS: N 41º 37′ 36” / E 2º 17′ 17”
- Phone +34 93 861 51 15
- Fax +34 93 861 52 99
- Polígono Industrial Oeste Murcia
- Avenida de las Américas 10/2 Módulo C
- 30820 Alcantarilla
- Murcia (Spain)
- 1680 Michigan Ave STE 700D
- Miami Beach, FL 33139
- U.S.A